MHIC #97820
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MHIC #97820

Signs of Wood Fencing Water Damage

December 31, 2021

Water and wood just don’t mix. Wood fencing can last for a decade or two with proper care, but water can significantly cut down that timeframe. The best way to protect your wood fence is to address water issues early on. Here are some common signs of wood fencing water damage.

The Bottom of the Fence Is a Different Color

Does it look like your fence has a beard at the bottom? That may be from water damage. Leaf piles and debris along the bottom of the fence can trap moisture in that area. This creates a targeted zone where water wasn’t able to evaporate off the fence. You can reduce these problems by keeping debris and objects off the fence line, especially in the rainy months. Add a mud board to the base of the fence to fortify it and seal the fence to protect against water.

A Fence Picket Falls off Unexpectedly

Another sign that your fence has water damage is when a fence picket falls off unexpectedly. This fence picket has likely been rotting for some time, and it finally lost its grip. You can replace the broken picket, but you should examine the rest of the fence for water damage. That may have been the warning sign of a much bigger issue.

This is particularly common for pickets under large trees. The tree branches drip water onto the fencing long after the rest of the fence has dried. If you have trees on your property that hang over your fencing, consider trimming them back to avoid water exposure.

You Can See Mold on the Fencing

Mold is a clear indicator of water damage, and it should be addressed right away. Mold can grow on wood fences and vinyl fences, so assess your fencing throughout the year. If you notice mold on your fence, clean it with soapy water or diluted vinegar. Choose a sunny day to scrub down the fence so the liquid can dry fast. Otherwise, the cleaner will fuel the mold growth and make matters even worse.

The Screws Are Rusted

Most screws will eventually rust, even if they’re designed for outdoor use. This may not be a big issue, but it could be the warning sign for water damage. If you notice rust on your fence screws, check the pickets for structural integrity. Are the pickets warped and wobbly? Are the screws barely holding them on? If so, you may need to pursue wood fence repair.

How to Prevent Wood Fencing Water Damage

The best way to prevent water damage on a wood fence is to stain and seal the fencing. Not only does this make the fence look better, but it also keeps water from absorbing into the wood. Staining should be done every 3-5 years for optimal results. If you sprinkle water on your fence and it absorbs right away, it’s time to reseal it.

Other than that, make sure to rake leaves around your fence and keep objects away from your fencing as much as possible. Trim back bushes and plants that run along the fence line, and get your fence repaired as soon as you notice damage. The professionals at All Around Fence can help every step of the way. From new fence installations to fence repair and sealing, we do it all. Contact (443) 838-9374 to schedule a fence consultation.


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