MHIC #97820
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MHIC #97820

Privacy Fence Benefits

August 30, 2019

Have you recently moved into a new home? Perhaps you are in the midst of building your dream home and final touches are on the horizon. If one of these icing-on-the-cake decisions is installing a privacy fence, you’ve made a smart choice. With an initial strategy and investment, a privacy fence can provide many long-term benefits from general security to increased home value to other advantages you might not have considered. Let’s look at some traditional and under-the-radar benefits a new privacy fence can bring to your property.

Define the Boundaries

In traditional suburban neighborhoods, properties have formal and officially delineated boundaries of various dimensions. In some cases, homeowners enjoy seamless merging with their neighbor’s yard, with open space for the kids to play and a more natural look to the landscape. However, it can be difficult to know for sure where your property ends the neighbors begins. If you plan to sell your home at some point, you want to include all possible square footage to ensure the highest resale value.

To be absolutely sure how much you have, you’ll need to have the property surveyed and once that is complete, you may consider installing a privacy fence to clearly define the boundaries and square footage.

Boost Your Home’s Value

If your family has outgrown your current home, you’re looking for a change of scenery, or a career change includes relocation; you will likely be listing your home for sale. A privacy fence might be the deciding factor in closing the deal with a new buyer. Many families have pets and young children and buyers in that scenario are often drawn to properties bordered with a privacy fence to keep kids and pets safe and sound. A comforting sense of security goes a long way in home purchase and knowing you can let the dog out or the kids can play in the yard without running off might be what it takes to sign papers on a new home.

However, don’t forget about fencing material. A chain link fence is more affordable to install and maintain but they are not especially attractive and don’t add much resale value to a home. On the flip side, sold wood fencing or specialized concrete fence barriers can bring in around 50 percent return on labor and material costs.

Keep it Quiet

If your home is on a busy, noisy street; the constant traffic buzz can be nerve-wracking. A solid privacy fence does wonders in absorbing noise and keeping your property a bit more peaceful. In fact, a well-made fence can lower ambient sound by up to 10 decibels. It’s better to listen to birds singing than big trucks roaring by.

Privacy and protection

A privacy fence’s central purpose is of course keeping things private. Selecting a strategic fencing material allows you to maintain an element of personal space. A fence also acts as an effective barrier against intruders and potential property theft.

For more information on privacy fence benefits, contact the All Around Fence team at (443) 838-9374 or


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