MHIC #97820
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MHIC #97820

Does Your Swimming Pool Fence Pass Maryland Building Codes?

April 13, 2018

A swimming pool fence is more than just a yard decoration. It is a key security feature for your home or business. When selecting the materials and design for your swimming pool fence, you must make sure the fencing adheres to Maryland swimming pool laws. Our fence installers are fully versed in local pool fence codes, so you will never have to worry about the safety of your fencing. Here are some guidelines for pool fencing in Maryland that you can use for your property.

Maryland Pool Laws Are Not All the Same

Maryland pool laws vary by county. Thus you will need to make sure your swimming pool fence meets the guidelines for your specific area. There may be separate laws for residential pool fencing and public pool fencing, depending on where you live. The regulations dictate the height of the pool fence, the distance between the posts, the size and swing-direction for the gate, the locking mechanism, and more.

At All Around Fence, LLC, we diligently follow any updates made to Maryland pool fencing laws. We ensure that all of our pool fences abide by the most recent guidelines, so we can recommend the appropriate design for your property.

General-Reference Maryland Pool Building Codes

As we mentioned above, Maryland does not have a state-wide set of pool laws. Instead, each county sets their own requirements for swimming pool fence materials and dimensions. Here are some average requirements across many counties:

  • A Swimming pool fence must be at least 4 feet tall (though some areas require 6 ft minimum)
  • The fence must be well anchored to the ground
  • The fence cannot have footholds or any feature that makes it easy to climb
  • The bottom of the fence can be no more than two inches above the ground
  • Openings along the fence can be no wider than 4 inches*
  • Fence gates must swing away from the pool
  • Gate latches must be at least 54 inches above the ground (some areas allow lower heights)
  • Gates must be self-closing and self-latching

*The rule for 4-inch openings is common among indoor stair railings as well. If the opening is too wide, a small child may get his or her head stuck in between the rails. Most fence installers and property inspectors will use a tennis ball to check opening sizes. If the ball passes through the opening, it is too wide. If not, it meets regulations.

Special Considerations for Homeowner’s Associations

If you are a member of a homeowner’s association, you will need to consider HOA regulations in addition to Maryland swimming pool fence laws. Your HOA may have its own rules about the type or style of pool fencing you can use. If your yard is surrounded by a privacy fence, they may not regulate the style of pool fence contained inside. We will help you verify this information before your pool fence installation so you select the right fencing materials from the start.

Making Sure Your Swimming Pool Fence Fits Maryland Laws

If you currently have a swimming pool fence, you can request a fence inspection to see if it meets today’s pool laws. If not, you may be able to get it adjusted to adhere to new safety regulations. If you do not have a fence at this time, working with a licensed fencing company will ensure you get the best results. Contact All Around Fence, LLC at 443-838-9374 to schedule a swimming pool fence quote, and we will help you get the best option for your location.


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